Saturday, June 2, 2007

The House in which i am imprisoned

I live in a beautiful place. This is a fact I happily accept; especially lately. With all this rain (hooray!) our backyard has been glittering and shining and all different shades of green. Despite the beauty i am surrounded with, and despite the fact that i love it very much and the rainy season is my favourite time of year, I cannot help feeling just a little trapped.

Because I am doing homeschooling until the end of semester I rarely - if ever - leave the house. Of course I could walk down the hill to the shops and buy something but then I'd have to walk back. And I'd have to spend money on something I don't need and don't want. I'm not big on pointless buying... So this leaves me at home all day everyday.

I get up anytime between 8.30am and 10.30am, I usually eat something (either left over dinner from the night before or crumpets) then settle myself down on the couch in front of the coffee table. The kitchen table has been out of operation for the last week or so (along with the phones and internet) thus me camping on the couch in the living room. Now it would make sense that since I'm sitting in front of the table with my work spread out and having the whole house to myself all day everyday that I would get a substantial amount of work done. It would make sense that I'd be able to catch up on the four weeks I missed. Unfortunately that didn't happen. Or should I say that 'hasn't' happened?

I tend to spend the first 2-4 hours awake watching TV series on DVD (the time I devote to this task varies depending on how early I wake up). then i begin working. Very slowly... it just seems to take so to do so little.

After two weeks of spending all my time in my little world i seem no closer to catching up, because - unfortunately for me - no matter how far behind you are and how hard you wish time just keeps on going. Even though time is a concept made up by humans it still manages to control our lives. Wouldn't it be wonderful if it were possible to completely ignore time? Just think of the time (haha) you could spend on anything you wanted and not be worried about 'wasting' it.


quick update on the fish :)
I've spoken of the first 10. Yesterday my sister brought me 4 new fish. 1 male guppy (blue, he shimmers when he swims), 1 female guppy (white and pink), and 2 fish which she doesn't know the name of - hence i don't know the name of them. 1 is white and the other is orange and white, they're both males and have fantastic fins and tails (high fin, arch tail).
Today I gave 2 of my teenage male guppies (the one with the orange fin and the one with the ultra violet/blue fin and orange tails) to a dear friend who's fish had died (not all of them just some). I kept the male with the orange tail and the blue fin with an orange spot. I decided to call him Steve. I love the name Steve. He's the only one I've named so far. I wanna make sure I'm keeping the girls before i name them and I haven't found any names that fit for my new fish. I also have 9 babies. Five arrived today :) but I have NO IDEA where they came from! all the girls are pregnant but only one is pink and white; but I've only had her 1 day and when she arrived she wasn't pregnant. It's very strange.
Well that's all I spose...


Princess Leah said...

What about me little ms Z? Hmm? Don't i count? Me, your wonderful big sister what loves you heaps, buys you treats, takes you places and hangs with you, not to mention is totally sympathetic to your high-stress work demands. So? What about me?

Kisses, L.

PS. sorry about the fish darling heart.

Little Ms Z said...

ah leah? you've moved out. *shakes head, pats on back and gives hug*